Brian has an inherent understanding of what makes books work, from structure to narrative and plot, to making words sing. Be it fiction or non-fiction, he recognises that all good writing rests on one important feature: the ability to tell a story. Brian’s ability to share that well of knowledge in a personable and professional way with aspiring writers is second to none.
Ciara Considine, Associate Publisher, Hachette Books Ireland

Having learned my craft as an editor over 20 years, I work with authors to help them get their books to the finishing line. Some authors come to me with half-finished manuscripts or a few chapters; others with notes and ideas; and some come knowing they want to write, but not knowing where to start or lacking the confidence to begin. Whether you’re an aspiring, emerging or professional writer, sometimes you need a little help to free your words.
I provide a four-tiered service, tailored to your writing needs:
In a one-to-one session, either in person or via video link, I will give you a framework for the writing of your book, discussing all the elements and providing you with the feedback you need to know you are on the right path. This is perfect if you have an idea that needs to be fleshed out, just a few chapters written, or a basic outline.
I will guide you with one-to-one sessions at three stages during the writing of your first draft – at the beginning, halfway through, and at the end, helping you juggle all the elements, providing constructive criticism and advice on the next steps. This is perfect if you have started to write a book but have lost your way, or if you have a fully-fledged idea that you want to take to a first draft.
First Draft
I will work with you every chapter of the way towards the fruition of your first draft, from building a structure, through the difficult middle, and on to the end, providing you with deadlines, feedback, and editing with a clear vision of where your book is going and how to make it the very best it can be. This is perfect if you have a book you really know you want to write, or you have written some of your book but have lost momentum. It’s the option to take if you want to have a mentor with you for the rest of the journey to a completed first draft. If you're working on a novel or non-fiction book this package could be career-changing.
Second Draft
Stephen King said that writing the second draft is “always a little like murdering children, but it must be done”. If you have a first draft written and need some help seeing the wood for the trees, we’re here to cast an objective eye over the work and give you the advice you need to polish it into the jewel you know it can be. This is perfect if you have written a first draft but are not sure whether it’s good enough to submit to publishers.
To enquire about book doctor services and pricing, click here.

Brian has an amazing ability to see the bigger picture yet break your writing project down into manageable chunks. He can help you to structure your book in a way that appears deceptively simple and accessible. You'll wish you'd gotten his expertise, wisdom and guidance on board earlier in your writing process. We couldn't have written 'The Power of Small' without him.
Aisling Leonard-Curtin, co-author of the Number One Sunday Times Bestseller 'The Power of Small'